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  • Why do I need an Attorney?

    If you have been injured as a result of the negligence of another, whether it be a car, motorcycle, truck, or bike accident, or any other type of accident, and you believe you deserve to be compensated for any expenses. You may want to consider speaking with a personal injury attorney who can advise you on your case and then represent you if you decide to proceed.

  • What if I have taken steps independently?

    More often than not, our new clients have begun the claims process themselves and find it to be overwhelming. Once we are retained by a client, we immediately begin gathering the requisite information and immediately inform the insurance carriers to direct all communication to our office. There is simply no good reason to try to handle your case on your own. A legal professional from Bailey Law Associates will take your injury case on a contingency fee basis, which means that you do not have to pay any money up front—our lawyers are only compensated following successful recovery.

  • The insurance company said I don’t need an attorney- is that true?

    It is important to remember that your interests and the interests of the insurance company are not the same. The insurance company’s interest is in ensuring that you receive as little as possible. Do not deal with the company alone. Retain the services of one of our lawyers who can ensure that the company actually pays the full value of the claim taking all of your past and future losses into account.

  • What damages am I entitled to recover?

    This will depend largely on the type of case and the damages sustained. Personal injury accident victims are entitled to recover monetary damages for all losses and expenses sustained as the result of an accident. The law allows recovery for a wide range of situations, many of which may not be readily apparent to the injured party. This includes past medical bills, future medical and rehabilitation costs, therapy, lost past wages, lost future income, pain and suffering,

  • How much is my case worth?

    We cannot specify an amount because recovery results truly vary per client, depending on your unique circumstances. There is no formula for determining a case’s value. Your personal injury compensation is directly related to your past, present, and future medical bills. Certain other losses are also factored into the total, like out-of-pocket expenses and lost income. Based on past case experiences we may be able to give you an estimate on what compensation you can expect.

  • What should I bring with me to my meeting with a lawyer?

    You should bring all documents in your possession that are related to your injury. Your lawyer will collect a variety of information relating to your accident or injury, including facts about your medical treatment, others involved in the accident, potential witnesses, and more. During your meeting, we will make photocopies of all of your documents so that you can retain a copy for your records. We will also provide you with checklists for any other information that we may need from you.

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